
Why Mom Should be Involved in her Daughter’s Senior Photos

mom and daughter photo at alexander park in snellville, ga

I’ve photographed many senior photos in Atlanta and have seen the benefit of having mom there. From teens feeling supported, to making her laugh, to just enjoying the experience, I always encourage mom to participate not only in the session, but the fun before stuff as well! I love connecting with mom just as much as senior and building that trust is so important. And this goes for you boy moms too!


should mom come to senior photos


First off, it gives even better memories from the experience. 
You’re there for her games, competitions, and awards, so why shouldn’t you be there for her senior photo session? This year is such an important one, not only for your child, but for you too. Full of emotions and lasts, you want to soak it all in and be involved whenever possible.


Secondly, it documents your relationship.
You can’t capture a photo of you and your child if you’re not at the session. What better time to grab a few shots with her before she’s off doing her thing? How many opportunities do you have to get a photo of just the two of you, relaxed, not stressing about hurrying up and getting to the next thing? But truly being able to document your relationship. It’s priceless.


Lastly, it gives you a chance to bond during prep and planning.
Prepping for a senior session is the perfect time to spend a little girl time together. Shopping for outfits, getting your nails done can all be fun ways to reconnect and make you feel like you are a part of this event in your teen’s life. Make a day of it or break it up. Offer input while allowing her to express her opinions and tastes. You can even make one special purchase to celebrate such as a piece of jewelry she’s been eyeing or allow her to borrow a coveted item from your own closet.


One of my favorite parts of my job is getting the see the special relationships between mothers and their children. And I am truly honored to be able to document it and give moms the gift of these images. This year can go by so fast and being able to slow down a bit and enjoy moments where the two of you can connect is invaluable.


Want to get an idea of what planning for a senior session looks like? Download the FREE guide below


how to plan senior photos in atlanta

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